Wings of Angels

My name is Linda Fisher, and the idea for my Gift Baskets came to me after undergoing a double mastectomy in January 2003.

Wings of Angels ( has beautifully designed baskets for the recovering breast cancer surgery patient -- easing discomfort and to help calm the spirit, relieve stress and anxiety.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

"The Day I Found Out"

Just wanted to share this website "The Day I Found Out".  I really think this is a special project.

"The day you find out that you or your loved one has cancer can be one of the toughest days of your life. A hundred questions race through your head: Why me? What will I do? What will happen to my family? What’s next? For many, there is an overwhelming sense that they are alone.

The truth is: You are not alone. People have stood where you stand now. They have weathered similar battles. And many have emerged from the fray transformed—stronger, wiser, a benefactor of their scars.

While we created ‘The Day I Found Out’ primarily as a place where the recently diagnosed could find inspiration from the people who’ve been there, we also hope the storytellers will find healing in the telling, as well"

Many tell about how they've come through a dark time, to now find new meaning and joy in Life. 



Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Magic Carpet Rides at Ten Thousand Villages!

How "cool" is this!

Last week's blog talked about zest for the simple things in life that comes with cancer survivorship.  Just had to show you the fun of volunteering at Ten Thousand Villages on June 5th.  I was helping in the "Rug Room"; getting people dressed in costumes for the magic carpet ride!



Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's Relay for Life Weekend in Lancaster!

Time to have some fun, and enjoy the Lancaster Relay for Life.  It's this weekend June 10-11, 2011, held at Conestoga Valley High School.

Breast Surgery Recovery Basket

Now you must think that spend all my time in cancer related pursuits, like making Wings of Angels baskets.  Not so!  Although being a survivor and caring for my fellow survivors is an important part of who I am...the best parts of the cancer experience come from the zest for the simple things in life.

Ever go to Chickies Rock Park in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania?  Gorgeous views, hiking trails.  You can hike, and see remnants of the old Trolley Line that ran from Columbia to Marietta. 

How about Lancaster's Central Market?   Very "cool" place.  It has what you'd expect at a wonderful old farmer's market, but also a lot of specialty foods and crafts that you wouldn't expect to find in Lancaster County, PA.

Another favorite pastime is just enjoying the weather.  It's been perfect lately - warm but not hot, low humidity.   I feel like a flower turning up towards the glorious sun!, soaking up the rays.

Feel free to comment back and let me know non-cancer related pursuits that bring you happiness.  :-)

