Wings of Angels

My name is Linda Fisher, and the idea for my Gift Baskets came to me after undergoing a double mastectomy in January 2003.

Wings of Angels ( has beautifully designed baskets for the recovering breast cancer surgery patient -- easing discomfort and to help calm the spirit, relieve stress and anxiety.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wings of Angels on WGAL-TV

Remember I told you Jere Gish from WGAL-TV was here?  It has aired already! - this morning in between 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.   WHOO-HOO!!! 

They told the story of the Wings of Angels baskets for breast surgery patients.  Here's the video link on the WGAL website:  Breast Cancer Survivor Starts Business To Help Other Patients.  They also posted a link to the Wings of Angels website for more information on the baskets.  If you get a chance, watch the video - what a great job!

Recovery from my surgery continues to go well, even "on the road" again.  I'm so blessed that this story opportunity fit in just right before the surgery!  No time to worry about the surgery (I was too busy cleaning!), and such a delight during my recovery.  This sure took care of my post-surgery "blues", reminding me of the good things that come from cancer survivorship.



Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"The Girls" are Great!, but Feeling Blue...Recovery is Going Well

I’m healing well.  Got a shower – Yippee!  That made me feel so much better.  On Monday, I get the stitches out.   I’m taking it easy around the house.  Can’t lift more than five pounds, and I get tired easy.  But no big pain problems, so that’s good!
What’s surprising is what I’m feeling.  This surgery brought back a lot of the feelings from when I first had breast surgery – my double mastectomy in 2003.  So much of our self-worth, our womanhood, is tied to our breasts.  I’ve been feeling bluer than I thought I would.  Not so much “Wow – I made it this long”, but this experience opened up the wounds of the impact that breast cancer has had on me as a woman.  Will the implants make me look and feel better about myself?  Here I am hoping that the implants make me feel more like a “normal” woman, even though they are fake and don’t have feeling.  They look a whole lot better, and I’m happy for the outcome.  But overall, surprised that I’m feeling somewhat blue rather than joyous.   I guess that’s part of the breast cancer journey.  You’re a cancer survivor for the rest of your life.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Surgery was yesterday - and doing great!

Just a quick update, and I'll write more next week:

My surgery went well! I'm so happy that I did not have expanders put in!!!  Now off to the doctor on Monday and get the bandages taken off.  I'm not in a lot of  pain - nothing like the first time.  Whew!



P.S.  I may have MORE exciting news next week.  WGAL, our local TV station, came to film a story on Wings of Angels, helping ladies recover from breast surgery.  It may run as early as next week.  I'll let you know.  :-)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What can I expect Post-Operatively? What about Sleeping Arrangements?

With my upcoming surgery, I've been thinking about what I learned from the last time! Here were my thoughts on sleeping arrangements right after surgery:

With so many muscles being cut in surgery, adjusting and lifting my torso out of a bed was excruciating in the beginning. So, a recliner was invaluable. It's no wonder so many hospital rooms have recliner type chairs next to the bed. Try to have one at home, as well!

In bed, positioning pillows (lots of them) allows you to sleep propped up. Even so, getting out of bed was an experience I wish I could have saved myself from. I was grateful to have my husband there to assist me. Be sure to have someone there to assist you.

Have a small table at your bedside and chair side to hold the items that you think you will need throughout the day and night. Remember, convenience is everything! Consider setting up these areas prior to surgery.

